Promotion of the Rule of Law and Long-term
依法治藏、富民興藏、長(cháng)期建藏,是中國共產(chǎn)黨西藏工作重要原則。依法治藏,就是要維護憲法法律權威,堅持法律面前人人平等。富民興藏,就是要把增進(jìn)各族群眾福祉作為興藏的基本出發(fā)點(diǎn)和落腳點(diǎn),緊緊圍繞民族團結和民生改善推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟發(fā)展、促進(jìn)社會(huì )全面進(jìn)步,讓各族群眾更好共享改革發(fā)展成果。長(cháng)期建藏,就是要堅持慎重穩進(jìn)方針,一切工作從長(cháng)計議,一切措施具有可持續性。習近平主席在中央第六次西藏工作座談會(huì )上強調,依法治藏,富民興藏,長(cháng)期建藏,加快西藏全面建成小康社會(huì )步伐。
Prosperity in Tibet Promotion of the rule of law and long-term prosperity has been a staple of the CPC’s policy for Tibet. President Xi Jinping emphasized this need at the Sixth Central Conference on Tibet in August 2015, so as to accelerate the process of building a prosperous Tibet. To foster the rule of law is to safeguard the sanctity of the Constitution, and ensure that everyone is equal before the law. The goal of bringing prosperity to Tibet entails sustained efforts to improve the well-being of all ethnic groups, promote ethnic unity, economic growth and social progress, and ensure that everyone benefits from the ongoing reform and development initiatives. This is a long-term process, which calls for prudent, steady measures and strategic planning.
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