              400 867 2009
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              時(shí) 間:2024-05-07 10:02:06  瀏覽次數:104   杭州中譯翻譯有限公司質(zhì)量管理部


              中華人民共和國成立后,中央政府及部分省市對新疆的援助從未間斷。1996年,為促進(jìn)新疆發(fā)展、維護新疆穩定,中央作出開(kāi)展援疆工作的重大戰略決策,第一輪援疆正式啟動(dòng)。2010年,中央作出開(kāi)展新一輪對口支援新疆工作的重要決策,進(jìn)一步加強和推進(jìn)對口支援新疆工作,新一輪援疆拉開(kāi)帷幕。新一輪援疆工作期限為2011年至2020年,目標是最大程度地縮小新疆與內地差距,確保2020年新疆實(shí)現全面小康社會(huì )。

              National Aid Program for Xinjiang

              Since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949, the central government and some provinces and cities have been providing aid to Xinjiang. To further spur Xinjiang’s development and maintain local stability, the central leadership made a strategic decision in 1996 to launch the first round of large-scale aid projects. A new action plan (2011-2020) was rolled out in 2010. It called for pairing up sectorial partners to streamline and enhance aid delivery. The goal is to narrow the development gap between Xinjiang and the rest of the country to the greatest extent possible, and bring a comparable level of prosperity to the region by 2020.

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